2 types of content you need if you want to build a brand

We are talking about that scary word - brand. *gasps*

It has been a turbulent week in this world, but I hope that wherever you are in this world reading this newsletter, you take a moment to enjoy time with a loved one.All love to you and your family.

In this newsletter, you’ll find:

🚈 2 types of content you need if you want to build a brand

🔥 Latest updates in DTC and social media

🎧 New episode with Sean McGinnis is out now!

We now have a referral program to gain free access to resources, but more on that later!

If a pal forwarded this to you, subscribe so you never miss out. And be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram.

I have been sitting on some thoughts about how content works within your overall brand and economics of your business.

I have feared diving into this topic that seems vague and not quantifiable - brand.

Who doesn't want to see one dollar go out and ten dollars come back in?

But not all investments are direct response plays that have an immediate reaction.

This is also true when comes to brand marketing.

Just because you won't see an exact response today, does not mean the content doesn't convert or isn't valuable.

I fear many companies are focused on direct response, paid media without stepping back and building the brand story.

I made a terrible drawing the other day, but the sentiment still stands.

If you build a brand and story, you won't be afraid of ad performance.

Now I am not saying throw out all of your mechanics of paid media or that paid media is bad.

You need paid media.

But you also need so much more outside of those ads.

That's what I want us to think about today.

1. Education

We squeeze the viewer into buying in the urge to want to convert at a higher rate.

So even though you lowered your customer acquisition cost, was it worth it in the long run?

People are willing to skip critical parts of educating the customer about the product in a rush to get the conversion.

This creates a bad expectation for the customer.

The person buys from your company, but doesn't like the product or is not passionate about the product.

You got the sale, but they never come back.

A strong company is one that can RETAIN customers not just get new ones.

Many companies are focused on getting new customers because they have a leaking bucket with many customers not coming back after the first purchase.

Retention marketing is not easy, but education will help.

For people coming to see your product for the first time, you need to explain to them why your product can help them or what makes this product different.

Most companies do this - where many companies fail is to give deeper insights on their product.

Once you buy once, you don't need the periphery education. You already know the basics.

You need something more that will capture your attention.

Brands need to invest in long-form content in video, audio, and writing formats.

The reason why brands don't invest in that type of content is that organic content takes a long time to build and can be expensive upfront.

But wouldn't you rather keep the customers you have versus trying to get new ones? 

Educational content can help raise the lifetime value of a customer by increasing retention.

To be honest, the customers that stay on longer will be more inclined to share with friends who also will also have a good lifetime value.

Oh, by the way, all this great educational content is organic and public which will help people learn about your product, therefore, lowering your customer acquisition.

I know I am dumbing down the numbers and complexities here, but my point is simple.

To invest in brand and build a brand that will be healthy and attractive to people, you need great education.

2. Emotional lifestyle content

Let's stop thinking directly about your product for a second.

Who is buying your product?

Where are they using your product?

How are your ideal customers using your product?

What should the customers feel when they use their product?

What do you want your customers to imagine when thinking about your product?

Websites that convert customers are not only ones that educate them on the product, but also make them feel something emotionally to buy.

We all know that we buy emotionally and then rationalize with facts and data.

The emotion we feel or the story we imagine - THAT IS BRAND!

You need imagery that is going to make people feel something about your product.

You want videos that take people to another world.

The customer probably will eat your protein bar or sip your fancy drink while working from home, but make them believe that they will be on an epic hike or on the beach with friends.

Take a second to know the story you want to tell and then look at your content.

Do you have the lifestyle content that will attract people to your brand and connect with them with emotions and stories?

Usually, my newsletter goes out on Thursdays but this week Goodo Studios was busy, so I needed another day.

I hope you take a step back and think about how you are building your brand through content.

If you have a question - I will answer it. Just reply!I am always here for you.

Keep creating! 

Matthew Gattozzi

PS. You can get access to our internal ad inspo board if you refer one person to this newsletter. More on that below.

In Other News

📲 Instagram is shutting down IGTV's app

📊 YouTube Previews New Channel Analytics Options

⏲️ TikTok increases video time limit to 10 minutes

🏃 Adspend Podcast: 1 Day Click VS 7 Day Click One Day View

🏢 Zach Stuck Built a 6 Figure Brand in 30 Days

How to Market Your DTC Brand

Today’s guest is Sean McGinnis, who recently was promoted to president of Kuru Footwear but for many years was the Chief Marketing Officer of Kuru.

In this episode we will discuss:

  • How a team picks the best SKU’s to market

  • How Kuru has defined themselves as a brand

  • The most effective ways to use and organize customer data

Welcome to our New Referral Program!

We want more friends and coworkers a part of this community as we grow as content creators. 

This is a big ask, so we want to make it worth it to you!

1 Referral = a private database of ad inspiration

We scour the web to find the best creative to inspire the work we create for clients. We only share some online, but now you can get access to EVERY AD we save. 

2 Referrals = a private Slack channel with Goodo Studios to answer all your content creation questions directly

We know you might have a lot of questions for us when it comes to ideas or executing on creating content. Now you will have direct access to our minds!

5 Referrals = a free product video for your company

This is a $3000 value for free. If you get to this level, we would be forever grateful for your support that it is a no-brainer to give a video to you!

Resources if you need them!

We do get a commission from these links but I wouldn't share anything that I didn't think was worth it to you.

Adbox - They do all of the hard work of finding great creative so you can get inspired. Learn from the top brands on all major platforms.

Adison - I love saving all of the amazing ads that I have found. Adison gives you the ability to save great Facebook ads with a click of one button on Chrome. It is incredible.

Triple Whale - Have an attribution problem? Triple Whale is doing some incredible things to help you get your data all in one place to make the best decisions for your brand.