Build Your Brand with Content!

5 pillars that establish your brand amongst consumers

Are we already halfway through January?! Uh oh!

Thank you to all our new friends that have joined us this week.

Reply to this email with one question you have about content so I can answer it in future newsletters!

In this newsletter, you’ll find:

🚈 5 principles to build your visual brand

🔥 Latest updates in DTC and social media

🎧 New episode with Brad Hoos of The Outloud Group is out!

We now have a referral program to gain free access to resources, but more on that later!

If a pal forwarded this to you, subscribe so you never miss out. And be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram.

Let’s zoom out for a second

A lot of people want to talk about content creation and how to improve today.

Although I give a lot of tactical advice, I want us to step back for a second this week.

Let’s think about your brand's legacy and how content plays a role in telling your brand.

Most companies struggle to create long-term brand authority because they are focused on quick tricks or short-term profits.

Here are 5 pillars to build your brand with content.

1.  Storytelling

Ad spend means nothing without storytelling.

For a long time, DTC brands were essentially printing money with Facebook ads.With iOS 14.5 gone are those easy days of FB ads.

What will make you stand out - story.

People reference Donald Miller’s book, How to Build a Storybrand but never implement storytelling.

Don't focus on one video telling a story.

Think about how every email, word, video, and marketing tell your story collectively.

Once you have your story, every piece of content derives from that main storyline.

2. Content is your salesperson

In B2B SaaS, marketing brings in leads to the sales team.

For DTC, you don't have a sales team.

Your website and the content on the site do the selling for you.

Like storytelling, think about how to use content not just in ads but also on your site as a salesperson.

Think about how you would sell your product to a person.

Content allows you to sell that story at scale instead of repeating that message to every customer.

3. Customer experience is cohesive

OOH to TikTok to Email needs to have a cohesive experience.

Organic teams aren't talking with growth or email, so the content and ideas are everywhere.

Your content needs to work with one another to build a seamless brand experience.

If your content is not cohesive, you need to have a quarterly meeting to ensure all teams are on the same page with messaging and content.

4. Messaging Focus 

B2B SaaS plans quarterly initiatives to focus on messaging and marketing.

Major brands also focus on messaging quarterly mostly because they are producing a ton of TV ads and can’t be as agile as smaller brands.

A lot of DTC brands are agile, but that hurts them in the long run because their messaging is not consistent.Think in campaigns.

Focus your messaging across channels.

5. Make decisions based on brand

I have lots of conversations with people who want content but don't want to spend more than $100.

Creative is not a line item.

It tells the brand's story.

People need to think about what will build the brand vs. keeping ad spend up.

Brand decisions involve big-picture thinking.

You need to balance what is going to help grow the business today while also building a brand that will sell tomorrow.

Founders - empower your team to think about the brand.

Before you make a decision about budget, think about how this decision affects your brand a year from now and even 5 years from now.

2022 is the year to invest in creative!

If you need advice on the next steps or what type of content you should invest in, reply here so I can give some more specific advice for your situation.

Keep Creating!

Matthew Gattozzi

In Other News

🤝 TikTok's Testing a New Option to Invite Your Connections in Other Apps to View Your Clips, and Follow Your Profile

🎵 Spotify introduces a new ad format for podcasts that puts clickable cards inside shows

🛍️ Pinterest Shares New Insights into How Men are Using the App in their Shopping Journeys

💄 P&G Buys Tula Skincare

🖼️ ThingTesting shares about DTC brands dipping their toes in the world of NFTs

How to Market Your DTC Brand

Today’s guest is Brad Hoos, the Chief Growth Officer of The Outloud Group, an influencer marketing agency as well as the founder of MuskOx, a DTC apparel brand.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Common misconceptions of influencer marketing

  • How to start and scale your influencer program

  • How to track the effectiveness of your influencer marketing

Welcome to our New Referral Program!

We want more friends and coworkers a part of this community as we grow as content creators. 

This is a big ask, so we want to make it worth it to you!

1 Referral = a private database of ad inspiration

We scour the web to find the best creative to inspire the work we create for clients. We only share some online, but now you can get access to EVERY AD we save. 

2 Referrals = a private Slack channel with Goodo Studios to answer all your content creation questions directly

We know you might have a lot of questions for us when it comes to ideas or executing on creating content. Now you will have direct access to our minds!

5 Referrals = a free product video for your company

This is a $3000 value for free. If you get to this level, we would be forever grateful for your support that it is a no-brainer to give a video to you!