Content creation doesn't need to be complicated. Try this!

Everything takes one step at a time and this is true for creating content. You don't need to take more than one step today.

Are you feeling busy with the holidays coming up? Same.

You are not alone.

To everyone that signed up this past week, I see you - thank you. Welcome to the community. We are so happy to have you here!

In this newsletter, you’ll find:

😞 Don't make content creation complicated

🔥 Latest updates in DTC and social media

🎧 Check out our latest episodes of How to Market Your DTC Brand

If a pal forwarded this to you, subscribe so you never miss out. And be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram.


Keep it simple, stupid.

This phrase is something I constantly tell myself because I can quickly complicate things that don't need to be complicated.

I can overwhelm myself because I don't keep it simple.

So today is your reminder to keep it simple when it comes to creating content.

What is one action you can take today to make progress on one piece of content?

Please focus on that action after this newsletter.

For me, it was sending this email.

Goodo Studios has been deep into a lot of editing and production, but I knew I needed to make time to write this email.

Respond to this email with what your action is so that I can follow up with you about it.

Simple, small actions done consistently over a long period of time will equal major progress in the future. Don't complicate content creation. Get help when you need it and most of all, think about KISS.

Keep it simple, Stupid.

Keep Creating!

Matthew Gattozzi

In Other News

🎅 TikTok holiday playbook guide from TikTok themselves

🎁 Pinterest gift guide from Pinterest to understand consumer trends this holiday season

⏱️ Instagram is testing a "Take a Break" feature to help limit time spent on the app

📺 Pinterest is launching "PinterestTV" which is a live shopping show with creators.

How to Market Your DTC Brand

Before we drop more episodes, I want to give you a week to catch up with some of the episodes you might not have been able to listen to yet.1. Understanding iOS 15 with Val Geisler

2. Shipping as a Marketing Tool with Casey Armstrong

3. Building Kuju Coffee with Jeff Wiguna

4. How to Succeed in Retail through Story with Erin Fasano

5. Life beyond DTC with Jason Starr

6. How to Win at Conversational Conversation with Stephanie Griffith