How to Create Content for Your Custom Shipping Page

One of the most viewed pages on your site, use it to your advantage

Q3?! What's up!

I spent some time looking back at the first half of the year, and I am beyond excited for this next half.We are almost at 900 email subscribers!

To the new friends that have joined - welcome!

In this newsletter, you’ll find:

🚈 Content creation on custom shipping pages

🔥 Latest updates in DTC and social media

We now have a referral program to gain free access to resources, but more on that later!

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Shipping and logistics aren't sexy, especially in 2022 with global supply chain issues.

For some brands, shipping has killed their business.

But what if I told you that you could use shipping to your advantage?

Let's make shipping sexy and helpful to your brand.

Enter Wonderment.

Wonderment is a Shopify App that empowers a brand's post-purchase experience.

A lot of people see them as a way to help your emails and SMS flows to update customers on shipping.

One underrated feature is their custom shipping update pages.

The news got around that I was creating this newsletter about Wonderment and they want to give all of you a FREE 30-day trial.

Wonderment is not sponsoring this email at all, but I asked if they could give you a discount code. WE MAKE NO MONEY FROM THIS CODE - JUST WANT TO SHARE THIS RESOURCE.

Are shipping update pages important?

Let me hit you with a few quick facts.

1. Customers open transactional emails like order tracking emails and order receipt emails EIGHT TIMES as much as regular marketing emails.

2. Order confirmation emails have an average open rate of 65%.

Think about sending a ton of web traffic to USPS site or UPS site?

Beyond just losing out on traffic (hello SEO), you are missing out on owning the customer experience.

When people talk about content, usually they talk about content for the top of the funnel to get new customers.The power of content to build relationships with current customers is completely untapped by many brands.

Let's change that.

Once you get Wonderment set up, here are a few things you could put on your custom shipping page.

1. How-to videos

People get disappointed about products not working because they don't know how to use them.

Having how-to videos on this shipping page can get people excited about getting the product while also teaching them how to use it properly before they even receive the product.

Maybe you have a skincare product, and there is some prep that a person needs to do before using the product.

Now would be a good time to tell them.

Remember, they are more likely to open the shipping email than you beautiful how-to email you created for your post-purchase flow.

2. Video from the founder

The best way to build a business is to improve your retention.

If you can connect emotionally with the customer, they will build loyalty to you.

Have a video of the founder talking to the customer to thank them for purchasing.

You can tell the story of how the brand was started or share about the mission of the company.

The shipping page can be the catalyst of storytelling.

3. Social media content

Want to get more viewers on all of that content you are creating for social?

Use this traffic to get people onto your socials like TikTok or Instagram.

Customers go from shipping to entertainment from you as a brand that builds their relationship with you.

I suggest picking one platform on the shipping page to not overwhelm customers.

4. Podcast or video series

Going away from the top of funnel content, think about doing a series that is long-form for customers who have already bought.

The shipping page will get the right people to this series.

You should create this series because it is good for the brand, not just the shipping page.

I am just saying, leverage the traffic of the shipping page to watch your long-form content because they will be your ideal viewer.

This long-form content could be a video podcast interviewing people in the industry of your brand.

This long-form content could be a video series that goes deeper in education about your industry.

Customers go from checking shipping to maybe spending 30 minutes watching your content.

That is priceless.

5. Memberships or special rewards

If you are spending time crafting great content for your community or a membership program, the shipping page is a great place to get people signed up.

You could also have special rewards, discount codes, or even some shopping on the shipping page.

Wonderment has a swipe file of tracking pages that you can check out here.

The fact that you can have a customized shipping page is incredible.

The fact that you can leverage your shipping page with content to build lifetime customers is a GAME CHANGER.

If you can execute an excellent shipping page experience, you won't have to worry about acquisition costs since you are retaining more and more of your customer base.

Put this newsletter to work with a FREE 30-day trial of Wonderment.

Again - I wasn't paid to create this newsletter.

I am just obsessed with how you can leverage content creation in all parts of the customer journey.

Keep creating!

Matthew Gattozzi

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Resources if you need them!

We do get a commission from these links but I wouldn't share anything that I didn't think was worth it to you.

Adbox - They do all of the hard work of finding great creative so you can get inspired. Learn from the top brands on all major platforms.

Adison - I love saving all of the amazing ads that I have found. Adison gives you the ability to save great Facebook ads with a click of one button on Chrome. It is incredible.

Triple Whale - Have an attribution problem? Triple Whale is doing some incredible things to help you get your data all in one place to make the best decisions for your brand.

Oddit - If you’d like to improve your site, you can try out Oddit yourself with GOODO10 for 10% off any Oddit report or grab a free month of Oddit Club - a private community for founders, marketers, and designers.

Welcome to Our Referral Program!

We want more friends and coworkers a part of this community as we grow as content creators.

This is a big ask, so we want to make it worth it to you!

1 Referral = a private database of ad inspiration

We scour the web to find the best creative to inspire the work we create for clients. We only share some online, but now you can get access to EVERY AD we save.

2 Referrals = a private Slack channel with Goodo Studios to answer all your content creation questions directly

We know you might have a lot of questions for us when it comes to ideas or executing on creating content. Now you will have direct access to our minds!

5 Referrals = a free product video for your company

This is a $3000 value for free. If you get to this level, we would be forever grateful for your support that it is a no-brainer to give a video to you!