A Framework to Create a Content System

Creating content is not easy to scale. Here is a simple framework to get you started on building out a media company for your brand.

127 new friends join us this week - WHAT?!?

The only emotion I feel is grateful.

To everyone that signed up this past week, I see you - thank you. Welcome to the community. We are so happy to have you here!

Reply to this email so I know what company you work at!

In this newsletter, you’ll find:

🚈 How to build a content system for your brand

🔥 Latest updates in DTC and social media

🎧 New episode with Amanda Natividad of SparkToro is out!

We now have a referral program to gain free access to resources, but more on that later!

If a pal forwarded this to you, subscribe so you never miss out. And be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram.

You're not a media company... yet!

You hear so many people tweet out saying, "Every company is a media company."

Those tweets aren't wrong; they just lack the context of most brands' situations.

The truth is, most brands don't produce enough content to be a media company.

And even if the brands had enough content, most don't have the systems to publish the content.

Have no fear - today, I will help you build a system to be a content machine.

We will start small today, and over time you can scale up!

Step 1: Pick one or two platforms/mediums to create content

When people hear the "wisdom" about building a media company, their minds jump to the biggest names like Forbes, Morning Brew, Verge, and others.

The issue is that those companies have been scaling for years, and they also aren't selling a DTC product which is your primary business, so you can't compare them to yourself.

But people do compare, or they create unrealistic expectations for their brand.

Starting out, your brand cannot be everywhere.

It is just too dang hard, and honestly, less is more when you start creating content.

This brings me to step 1, pick one or two platforms you feel comfortable creating content on, and you know your ideal customers are at.

Don't pick a platform because some Twitter guru told you to - pick them because you know you can create your best content for that medium and platform.

Step 2: Create a weekly posting schedule

Come up with a simple posting schedule with your team (maybe that is just you for now).

Make this a priority and commit to this schedule. 

If you can't commit to this schedule or creating, any advice later in this newsletter is worthless.

Pick an amount of content you know that you can easily hit each week.

You need to pick a platform and medium you like the most because when creating gets hard, you don't want to build on a platform you despise.

Step 3: Research

Pick four brands that you look up to that do a great job creating content on your chosen platform.

For one week, look at all of their content, past and present, and write down why you liked their videos or photos.

Start to understand why you are attracted to the brand's content on a deeper level.

As you watch their content, find ways to take similar concepts and remix them for your brand.

Step 4: Start to create content

You researched and have taken notes. Now it is time for you to hit record.

Start to create content based on your schedule for two months.

Be consistent in creating the content. 

Over time, you will learn what is working and what is not working. Be analytical with your content just as you were with the brands that inspired you.

Ask yourself where you can improve or determine what the customers resonated with.

Each brand will have a different customer response, so there is no one-size-fits-all plan for content.

Step 5: Build out the same system for paid media

Lastly, you want to repeat all of these steps when you do this for paid media.

ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) is sometimes an excellent indicator for static ads, but this metric is not always helpful for a video ad.

For video ads, I look at three metrics.

  • 3-second watch time

  • Average View Duration

  • Click Through Rate

Use these metrics to look at your ads and create better videos and photos.

Start to test different concepts or re-edit videos to improve the metrics and conversion.

Step 6: Add new channels and platforms

Not every company situation is the same, but a clear indicator of when you are ready to expand platforms is when you have locked down:

  • The brand's story

  • The brand voice

  • What resonates with the customer

You might be thinking to yourself, "I already know this from the business plan I put together."

Plans are great, but once you start posting and testing creative, you will see that the story or voice might have to change.

Once you find a lot of success, you can easily translate your story and voice to a new channel.

Bonus step: Organize your photo and video files

The more organized your files are, the better off when you scale.

If your files are on your phone's camera roll and an outside team asked for videos, you're screwed.

Save your future-self time by being organized.

I want you as a brand to succeed!

I know it is not easy building out a content system.

This simple guide will help you think through how you could build out this content machine.

If you are a paid media buyer, help the brands you work with create this content system.

If you ever need help with creating content, reply to the email, and we will answer questions.

Keep Creating!

Matthew Gattozzi

PS. So many new people joined this newsletter this week, and again, I just want to thank you!

PPS. If you want me to talk about something, just reply to this email!

In Other News

🥬 Kat Cole to join Athletic Greens as president and COO

🛍️ The Pop Up Grocer Food Trend Report

🥤 Hugh Thomas to step down as CEO of Ugly Drinks

📹 Instagram Adds Reels Replies

📰 Instagram is bringing back the chronological feed

How to Market Your DTC Brand

Today’s guest is Amanda Natividad, Marketing Architect at SparkToro. She believes that the best thing for a brand is to focus on the long-term with SEO and influence marketing, and in today’s episode, Amanda breaks down exactly how you can do this for yourself.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • The difference between influence marketing and influencer marketing

  • How to pitch sponsorships and media outlets

  • How to use blogs and SEO as a brand

Welcome to our New Referral Program!

We want more friends and coworkers a part of this community as we grow as content creators. 

This is a big ask, so we want to make it worth it to you!

1 Referral = a private database of ad inspiration

We scour the web to find the best creative to inspire the work we create for clients. We only share some online, but now you can get access to EVERY AD we save. 

2 Referrals = a private Slack channel with Goodo Studios to answer all your content creation questions directly

We know you might have a lot of questions for us when it comes to ideas or executing on creating content. Now you will have direct access to our minds!

5 Referrals = a free product video for your company

This is a $3000 value for free. If you get to this level, we would be forever grateful for your support that it is a no-brainer to give a video to you!