The Value of Photography for Brands

Why Early Investment in Photos Pays Off

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While scrolling through Twitter, I came across an interesting tweet from Sam Ross discussing the importance of investing in a photoshoot right away to establish a brand.

He cited Hims as an example, mentioning how they invested $100,000 in a photoshoot from the start. Now, most brands haven't raised enough money to spend $100,000 on a photoshoot, but truthfully, you don't need to invest that much.

Today, I want to delve into the world of photography, discussing why you need it and how to obtain great content at reasonable prices.

The Value of Photography

People often underestimate how much photography is needed to run a great brand. Here are some places where you can use photos:

  • Website

  • Product Page

  • Landing Page

  • Email

  • SMS

  • Static ads

  • Within videos ads

  • Packaging

  • Mail inserts

  • OOH (Out-of-Home) ads

  • Mailer ads

That's just for one photo - imagine the leverage you have in your branding and advertising with 30 photos!

You can see how much of your business photography touches. With something that has such a significant impact on your business, settling for mediocre photos doesn't match the value of that impact.

The general consensus on the internet is to start with renders or iPhone pictures and get professional photos later. While I'm a big advocate for getting started quickly, you don't want to rush something like photography that affects so many areas of your business.

Photography is worth getting right because the use cases for one photo are so numerous that these photos will last you a long time.

Do I Need $100,000 for Photos?

The short answer: No.

Here's the long answer:

If you're just starting out, I wouldn't recommend spending $100,000 on a photoshoot.

Option 1

You can search Instagram using your city's hashtag followed by "photographer" to find local professionals. They typically charge between $750-$2,500. The downside is that you'll need to plan the shoot yourself. This includes finding models, locations, and planning the shot list. Photographers will offer suggestions, but they're not marketers, so they won't be the biggest help in that regard. This option is great for getting started with good photos without breaking the bank.

Option 2

The next option would be working with a smaller studio like Goodo Studios. You'll pay $7,500-$20,000, but all production costs are included. You'll have a team to plan everything from shots to production and talent. You really just provide input rather than having to do everything. This is a hands-off approach for you as a brand, allowing you to focus on other tasks.

Both options are good to start with; it's just a matter of what you want to invest: time or money. 

The "cheaper" option costs you more time, whereas the studio option is "more expensive" but costs you less time.

Regardless of your choice, you can get many assets that will last years and impact various areas of your business.

For those wondering what makes a photoshoot cost $100,000: It's really a combination of art direction, models, and crew. There will be more planning, production build-outs for sets, and larger crews to coordinate.

The Power of Photos in a Video-Centric World

In a world that talks a lot about videos, we sometimes forget how important a great photo can be for a brand. There are still many places where photos are the most powerful medium of communication. Don't forget that power and invest in it early.

Invest in Photos or Videos First?

I would invest in photos first over video.

Although videos are powerful, I think photos have more impact earlier on. With photos, you can create many static ads to find the right messaging and product-market fit before jumping into video. If you invest a lot in video but it flops, you don't have much to work with.

Even for your website, you need more photos than videos, so photos are really necessary, while video is a nice-to-have to start.

Given how media is consumed today, you could start making videos with your phone for ads.

For photos, however, I suggest starting with a polished approach. In an ideal world, you'd do both, but if you had to choose one, I would choose photos. I know that photos last a long time and will make more of an impact on more surfaces of the business over the long run.

Photography is a powerful tool that can elevate your brand from day one. While it may seem like a significant investment upfront, the long-term benefits far outweigh the initial costs.

Whether you choose to work with a local photographer or a professional studio, investing in high-quality photos early on will set a strong foundation for your brand's visual identity.

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I will see you next week.

Until then, keep creating!

Matthew Gattozzi

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