5 pillars that establish your brand amongst consumers
The best time to create content is in the beginning of the year to prepare for Q4.
Creating content is not easy to scale. Here is a simple framework to get you started on building out a media company for your brand.
Kristen Jones is a master at UGC Ads and if you want to implement UGC, listen up!
Everything takes one step at a time and this is true for creating content. You don't need to take more than one step today.
You can't rely solely on ads. Your organic content one your website and social media helps sell your products!
You can't rely on UGC to establish your brand narrative!
Most of your work will go unnoticed, but that is the work that will make you great.
You didn't start a company to be average. You need to take risks to create content that makes you stand out!
Facebook went down, and brands suffered because they rely too much of FB ads.
Millions of dollars are poured into TV ads that aren't good. Here's what you can learn from these mistakes!
Compound interest can supercharge your content.